日本サッカー協会 田嶋幸三副会長様より推薦のお言葉をいただきました。
クーバー・コーチングは、個人技術の向上にフォーカスを絞ったユニークな指導法として世界的にも有名です。日本での活動は1993年に遡り、今日までに沢山の育成年代のコーチ達を指導頂き、加えてJFA所属のナショナル ・トレセンコーチ達もアルフレッド氏により複数回にわたり指導頂きました。そのような活動が今日の日本サッカー界の発展に少なからず寄与している事と信じ感謝しております。
” I have known Alfred for almost 20 Years. He is largely responsible for devising the Coerver Coaching curriculum, a method of teaching that I have admired greatly, since I was a professor at Tsukuba University.
His most valuable contribution to Japanese Football, is that since 1993, he has trained many youth coaches in the Coerver Method, all over Japan.
Coaches Education is a priority in Youth Development; having Alfred in Japan for so many years, with his unique experience at the Worlds Top Federations and Professional Clubs, has helped the development of both our men’s and women’s game.
The Coerver Coaching curriculum is recognized all over the World as the leading method for improving skills, and we are lucky that this program is now all over Japan, taught by well trained coaches”